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Discussion Worship and the Biblical Worldview

Discussion Worship and the Biblical Worldview

Q Worship and the Biblical Worldview You will continue to expound upon your previous discussion by focusing on the importance of one’s intellectual understanding of a biblical worldview and how the Bible shapes your desires. After watching the video presentation titled Worship and the Biblical Worldview, continue the discussion by interacting with the following questions: • In what ways is it important to view a biblical worldview as affecting your desires? • Have you ever experienced a conflict between what you know and what you desire? • Examine some potential pitfalls in your worldview or even the worldview you see upheld around you. How would you propose overcoming it? In your discussion, indicate to which of the points of Worship and the Biblical Worldview you are responding throughout your post. In your reply, provide additional insight into the topics being addressed to help foster ongoing discussion. In addition, offer critical thought when clarity or correction is needed. In all matters, be encouraging to each other in your replies. Your thread is due by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Thursday of Module 5: Week 5 and the reply is due by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Monday of the same Module: Week.

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Your thread is due by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Thursday of Module 5: Week 5 and the reply is due by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Monday of the same Module: Week. Biblical worldview is important to be viewed as affecting my desires to ensure that there can be selfish and evil desires prevented from being materialized. This is because there can be some aspects of the biblical worldview considered to be convenient for Christians and some not convenient. Therefore, some Christians can try to use this worldview to ensure that they can fulfil their materialistic desires by justifying their actions. It is important to empathize with other individuals and with God’s unconditional love